Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ripe with age.

At every stage each one of us goes through various issues of ageing. Or rather the issue of handling one’s age.

I remember at school we always claimed that we were older than we really were. This would be particularly true when we neared our teens. Reaching teenage seemed to be some kind of a hallowed landmark to be attained at the earliest. The next stage was claiming that one was eighteen to gain access to ‘A’ certified films at the cinema. We generally tried to change our hairstyle or darken our non-existent moustache to fool the usher.

However, after that we seem to ‘age’ a little slower. How often have we seen sportspersons or film stars not progressing beyond 21 long after their contemporary courted matrimony or parenthood? Perception of ageing also varies from region to region. When we moved to Delhi my wife was still in her early twenties. She felt insulted when the young medical shop owner addressed her as aunty. She still was not convinced even when I explained to her that being a married woman she had graduated to a hallowed titled.

Thirties is one of those anonymous decades. Everyone seems to be too busy to think too much. When a man reaches forty he becomes the butt of standard jokes like ‘you will now become naughty at forty’. I was always puzzled why I celebrated my fortieth birthday in style but my girl cousins who were my age never reached that landmark. In the forties is when one also starts asking philosophical questions like “Where am I heading?”; “Have I reached where I wanted to be?” That is also the time the wife is too busy to give you attention as she is busy with the children’s public exams

The fifties are like the thirties. One concentrates on work and the financial security for the future as time is running out. By this time the wealth managers of financial institutions are chasing you offering mouth-watering returns for your impending retirement. That is when you realize that you haven’t saved enough even to invest. This is the best time to attend college old students’ gatherings. You realize that everyone is in the same boat. I remember at one reunion I was wondering what I was doing among such old men till I realized they were my generation.

The fun starts after this. One gets thrilled when one gets platitudes. You are retired? Oh, you must have taken VRS. You are sixty? You must be joking! Is that really your grand daughter? You must have got married in your teens. Never dispute such statements. But, ultimately a man is brought down to earth. Recently I was caught jumping a traffic signal near Corporation. The cop took one look at me and said in Kannada, “Sir, why all this at your age. You should be at home relaxing.”

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