Allrounder Academy has been set up by S V L Narayan to mentor and train children between 10-16 years to become successful beyond the classroom.It is his belief that academics have to be supplemented by all round knowledge and confidence to face a highly competitive environment.
One of the fundamental obligations of any society is to prepare its adolescents and young adults to lead productive and prosperous lives as adults. This means preparing all young people with a solid enough foundation of literacy, numeracy, and thinking skills for responsible citizenship, career development, and lifelong learning.
In a recent survey under the title “Are They Ready for the Future” ,it was observed that “Far too many young people are inadequately prepared to be successful in the era of tough competition.” The report concluded that more than half were “deficient” in such skills as oral and written communication, critical thinking and objectivity. The implication of this report is that a focus on academic readiness alone does not equip young people with all of the skills and abilities they will need in their life, or to successfully complete the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
A report on Child Trends, which compared research on the competencies required for college readiness,workplace readiness and healthy youth development found that high personal expectations, self-management, critical thinking, and academic achievement are viewed as highly important for success in all three areas. In addition the report added that decision making, listening skills, integrity, and creativity are all considered vital for facing the challenges of the future competitive environment.
These findings strongly suggest that a more holistic approach to education—one that aims to equip young adults with a broader range of skills—is more likely to produce youth who will succeed in the 21st century.Some critics complain that a focus on “soft skills” will only further dilute rigour. In our view, both hard and soft skills are essential for success in this competitive environment.
Making a case for all-round education
A member of the central examination board argues today, that many schools are letting their pupils down by pumping them with grades-improving academic work at the expense of other activities like drama, debates and sports.
So high is the pressure for grades that many children are not even allowed to read a book for the sheer pleasure of reading. It is understandable that schools – and parents – want their pupils to pass with flying colours so that they can join elite institutions. However, the Member makes a fundamental point – that education is not all about passing exams.
While reproducing well-rehearsed answers can persuade examiners to give a candidate high marks, it may not compensate for all the missed benefits that would come from co-curricular activities. Debating, for instance stimulates the mind, promotes critical thinking and develops children’s confidence. So, it is easy for the school system to raise excellent scholars who lack the social and life skills necessary to navigate their way through life.
But most importantly, he argues that schools should not see this as a matter of ‘either or’. Academic excellence and co-curricular activities are not necessarily mutually exclusive. In fact, one of the skills that would result from engaging children in non-classroom activities would be organisation and time management – skills that, to many highly successful people, seem to be second nature.
The “Beyond Classrooms” course will comprise three sections:
Creative Writing:
Creative writing is anything where the purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and emotions rather than to simply convey information. Writing of any sort is hard, but rewarding work – one will gain a huge amount of satisfaction from a finished piece. Being creative can also be difficult and challenging at times, but immensely fun.
Students will undergo practical exercises covering various topics including article writing,blogs,essay,travelogue.
Public Speaking:
Public speaking is speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. In public speaking, as in any form of communication, there are basic elements, often expressed as "who is saying what to whom utilizing what medium with what effects?
The purpose of public speaking can range from simply transmitting information, to motivating people to act, to simply telling a story. A good orator should be able to change the emotions of their listener, not just inform them.
The fear of public speaking is called glossophobia (or, informally, "stage fright"). It is believed to be the single most common phobia — affecting as much as 75% of the population. Many people have stage fright. They are fearful of speaking to a crowd of people. They are frightened of all the attention that would be on them and hence they are not comfortable with the aspect of public speaking.
An effective public speaking training course would help people allay those fears effectively. This is one of the most important components of any such course. Once the fear factor is minimized, children can effectively give a speech without faltering or losing faith in their abilities.
The syllabus includes:Debate,extempore speech,group discussion,book reading.
General Knowledge:
Can be defined as information on many different subjects that you collect gradually, from reading, or through media, etc., rather than detailed information on subjects that you have studied formally.It is also a test of knowledge, especially as a competition between individuals or teams as a form of entertainment.
Training will be given on subjects across a wide domain.Quick response to questions will be an added feature.Students will also be taught to conduct quizzes.
Course Duration The curriculum will encompass two-hour sessions covering eight sessions in a month(16 hours).Students will progress to upgraded courses every quarter.
For 15 students and more per session the course can be conducted at your premises
The courses are conducted presently in Bangalore only
About S V L Narayan
SVL is an Independent Marketing Strategy & Brand Management Consultant based in Bangalore.He has a degree in mechanical engineering and is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers.His professional experience encompassed a panoramic perspective of strategic business processes across industries- Information Technology, FMCG, Automotive, and Industrial products.
S V L brings to the academy his rich experience in the corporate field and his success in various extra-curricular activities.He is also a regular contributor to various publications.He will be supported by various domain specialists as required.
His blogsite:
What the logo represents
The Allrounder Academy logo is represented by a graphical tree.The trunk represents the support and nurturing provided by the Academy.As the tree grows the boughs provide the variety and direction of growth.Eventually the stars represent freedom of thought and self confidence to face the vast space of life.
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