Monday, November 4, 2013

Waisted effort

I noticed the problem creeping in over the weeks but ignored the warnings. Probably it was too late. Finally, I could not put off accepting the ominous signs.Yes,one day my trouser waist could no longer be buttoned.

The questions before me were two fold.One,should  I buy new trousers - an expensive proposition or,two,reduce my waistline,seemingly a big challenge?As an interim measure the alteration specialist in our building was commissioned to increase the trouser waist by an inch.Then I went about looking at alternative methods of reducing my girth to more manageable proportion.My wife,of course,suggested the obvious.A crash course in dieting,which I nixed immediately as being impractical.

Walking would be the next best option as per my friends.I told my physician that I walked over six kilometres each time on the golf course.He dismissed this by saying that covering the distance in five hours was not an exercise.Besides,he said that I would recover more than the calories lost in the clubhouse after the game.So,a brisk walk was the treatment recommended.

I signed up with a neighbor to accompany him to Lal Bagh every morning.A couple of days later he declined my company.Apparently,that guy preferred listening peacefully to devotional music through his headphones while walking.Whereas,I looked upon this activity as a social occasion where I could discuss with him subjects of global importance like why our cows on the road were of a different colour than their counterparts in Europe.Or, why six out of ten cars we passed on the road were white.

Most mornings I would see our off-duty security guards taking our building dogs for a walk.This gave me an idea.A couple of my neighbours agreed for me to take their canines for their daily constitutional.I supposed they were relieved that they would not have to pay for this service.One Monday I set off with a sedate Labrador and frisky Pomeranian.Initially there was a feeling of camaraderie amongst the three of us.Soon I found that the dogs were actually taking me for a walk.Plus,they insisted on renewing their acquaintance with every lamp post on the route.But a bigger danger lurked round the corner.There were a whole lot of street dogs snarling at the intruders to warn them off their territory.The Lab cowered behind me but the pesky Pom insisted on taking on the bigger rivals.Very soon I was entangled in both the leashes.Finally,thanks to a passing newspaper boy a modicum of peace was restored and we hurriedly made our way back home.

It was then suggested that I join a fitness centre under a personal trainer.As there were several establishments near our apartment I began to do some market research.But I had no love for any such physical activity.Then one day an advertisement in the paper caught my eye.It was exactly what I was looking for.

So,here I am for the last one week in an alternative medicine spa near Whitefield.They do not starve me nor force me to do hard labour.I even managed to skip the morning yoga classes.What I look forward to most is the daily massage and the steam and sauna bath after that.Whether I will lose weight or not is a moot point.But,I am beyond the point of caring.